Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Last of the Founders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Last of the Founders - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that  unknown to her, she was invoking the Preamble when she honored the soldiers after each battle won since is it an action of common defense.   Isn’t it an act of promoting general welfare when she mobilized the society who contributed their own funds to reestablish Washington, the seat of the government, when it was destroyed by the enemies?   In effect she was demonstrating domestic tranquility when she tried to unite political parties by throwing parties bringing together two opposing political parties; introducing social etiquette and protocol included.   In renovating the White House she wanted every Americans to take pride of it; because to her, the White House is the representation of authority, and a common defense.  Ã‚  This paper outlines that  Dolley Madison had every right to be called the â€Å"last founders† because she put into practice the idealism prescribed in the Constitution long before it was penned in to law.   She created symbolic ties that brought the government closer to the lives of people which were never done before.   To me, she has earned that right to be called the Last Founder as she instituted manners and behaviors as a way to regulate human society and government.  Thomas Jefferson, for one, her husband’s predecessor, disliked the meddling of women in politics and those others who were settled that women should not indulge in politics and should stay as domestics.  ... To me, she has earned that right to be called the Last Founder as she instituted manners and behaviors as a way to regulate human society and government. Criticisms on this move favored her since it was said, â€Å"laws might regulate behaviors, but manners formed the heart and the mind† (Allgor’s Parlor Politics, p 55). It was theorized that this was extremely necessary, since manners played a crucial role in civilizing a society. However, there are those who would not agree on this. Thomas Jefferson, for one, her husband’s predecessor, disliked the meddling of women in politics and those others who were settled that women should not indulge in politics and should stay as domestics. This could practically be correct, because women at those times were denied of their rights. Others viewed it as the Scottish Enlightenment would say, that the presence of women in politics would confuse men, and that in some instances, contradict men’s ideas (Allgor’s Parlor Politics, p.55). Still others, particularly, the Anti-Federalists view the participation of ladies would introduce the government in a monarchy system, and would encourage the rise of aristocracy wherein ruling becomes a center of fashion. Dolley lived during the era of highly gendered world. Thus men were frightened of the â€Å"creeping monarchy† that would endanger both men and women†. Women were depicted with excessive longings for dresses and manner, thus it was said â€Å"the natural tie with women would sap the masculine vigor of the young Republic†,(Allgor’s Parlor Politics, p.55 ) and so therefore the title â€Å"last founder† does not describe of her. The Anti-Federalist viewed Madison’s presidency as a rising monarch. Everyone viewed this as a

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